Stop Multi-tasking Your Health and Fitness

Episode 11

I reckon most people don't even realise they're doing this, you're just trying really hard to get fit, lose weight, be happy etc etc. It just occurred to me the other day that everyone needs to chose one thing, and if that's the only thing you do but you do it well, then you will reap the rewards.

This week I talk to Coach Dannii about what mutli-tasking your health and fitness looks like, why it happens and how to tune out the noise and the nonsense. I guarantee you are being distraction from what is your your priority by what someone else is doing, has done or thinks you should do. This "do one thing" mentality might not apply to all situations, it's perfect for your health and fitness goals though. Do one things for 30 days and if we're wrong, then let us know and we'll do another podcast!

This week we reference our very first episode; Motivation and Working-out at Home, you can find that here 

We also reference one of Dannii's Details Curves videos about the importance of muscle contractions, you can find that here

Lastly, if you haven't seen Dannii's video introducing her Legend Planner take a look here...she bought us both one and we reference them often so if you want to know what all the fuss is about it's worth a watch.


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