Self Compassion

is a practice of good will and not good feelings

Why are we so so hard on ourselves?

It is unlikely you would say to anyone the things you say to yourself, especially when they've "messed up", but we will very quickly berate ourselves, and really, where does it get us. We have enough external influences trying to bury our self-esteem deep in the ground without doing it to ourselves.

They key to being kinder to yourself is probably to get practicing, practice NOW, ready for when you need it and especially for when you need it most. If you are on your own case all the time it's possible you need to let some things go (when you hear Sall's "buying jam at Aldi" imagine that was you, at Christmas!

Start practicing your self-compassion NOW ready for when you're in this situation.

"You don't need to feel good about yourself to be good to yourself" Coach Sall

Here are the key points:

  • Comfort your body - exercise, go for a walk, meditate, hot drink and cosiness

  • Ask yourself what would you do to show someone else compassion - do that

  • Walking - move your body is a great soothing healer, and action, grounding

  • Write a (love) letter to yourself - if that's too cringey, make it a memo, stick it on a post-it "You're alright you are"

  • Be your own cheerleader - pat yourself on the back, give yourself a hug, hi-5 yourself in the mirror

  • Mindfulness

  • Practice reframing, include your reasons why - mistakes are a part of a growth mindset. Drill this down into the detail that makes a difference

  • Practice some self acceptance and embrace your shortcomings - reframe them as if they are a quality, chances are you see them like in others

  • Talk yourself through perspective and context

  • Share your "mistake" - reach out and connect with someone, choose the right person

Past episodes mentioned - Recharging Your Batteries for Renewed Motivation


10 Ways to Stay Focused


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